Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Risky business

I followed a spirited discussion on the user group forum hosted by our ERP vendor. Users were clamoring for development to embrace iPhone integration; which led to a general call for the vendor to broaden its scope beyond Windows client applications. ERP company representatives explained (ever so patiently) why they aren't going there, and why the users should see this reluctance as a good thing. With every posting by the software compay, you could see the frustration level rise amongst the users.  Since I've sat in both chairs, I know the frustration from each perspective. User: Why can't you offer more flexibility for my business needs? Vendor: Have you any idea how much this would cost? It has no quantifiable commercial value - how do I pay for this??

Ultimately, if the market eventually demands the new thing, the vendor will develop it -- but it will be a reactive strategy. In the 80s and early 90s, ERP companies could get away with that. The market accepted long lead times for development, and highly valued stability and risk avoidance. The market's in another place now, and users have much different expectations. They look to their technology vendors to bring the future to them. Sometimes (and only sometimes) the new new thing delivers perceivable value and it takes off like a rocket. But, the failure rate is high. 

Someone has to bear the risk, and maybe it's time for ERP vendors to think differently about the value their clients expect from them. Rethinking the relationship may lead to rethinking the contracts that underpin it, which fund development. Sometimes it' s possible to be safe and sorry. 

Friday, September 12, 2008

Reflections on learning

A teacher at my daughter's new high school shared a pearl this week: when kids are trying to learn something, he said, "Don't steal their struggle." As a parent who too frequently acts the kleptomaniac when her kid hesitates with an answer, this struck me to the core. My urge to help is so unhelpful, and this comment really brought it home to me.

So this was top of mind today in my dialogues today with staff. Ever ready to weigh in (... well, I do keep a blog...), my acting on that impulse is probably none too helpful when someone is working to understand something. Another person really can't help you understand. Wrapping your mind around new data requires something like a dialectical struggle. It's not comfortable and sometimes it feels almost physically painful - the hope is that you learn something because of the conflict between what you thought you knew and the new information.

I think this is the crucial difference between memorization and learning. We commit lots of new information to memory every day, and it's not confronting in the least -- where you left your car keys; how to do a new task; the name of the person who sits next to you at an event. This is no different in kind than memorizing the periodic table, or the Prologue to The Canterbury Tales. Memorization doesn't require that you change how you think about anything - it's just a mechanism to stuff more data into the matrix of your brain.

Too much workplace training is just memorization. Too much of what we 'learn' in our daily lives amounts to no more than this: we just add data to the existing constructs. As an undergraduate years ago, I naively was amazed at the drop-out rate in my freshman philosophy course. For some students, challenging the way they thought (about anything) was just too much -- enticing to me, others found it repulsive. Based on what I see, there's probably a fairly large subset of our population that refuses to challenge their preconceptions -- they'll take on new data, but anything that doesn't fit existing constructs is just lost on them. However we all have our limits: there's a point where my ability to conceptualize something like string theory just causes a system freeze.

Thankfully, it's not all that challenging. Many of the questions I hear daily go beyond memorization, but fall short of string theory. Why do we have so much inventory on hold? How can we enhance the customer's experience? How am I supposed to work with {name of least favorite coworker}? Although the person asking the question may think he's asking for information that can be acted upon, these are all learning questions. They are questions that should cause internal conflict and a change in thinking. The least helpful thing is to steal the struggle - respond with a pat answer. There's so much to be learned in challenging what you think that answer should be, and the discomfort eventually is replaced by the joy of having learned something new.

Monday, September 8, 2008

You can take it with you

This time of rapid technological development is most satisfying when you see your own visions made real by innovators around the world. For some time I've imagined a future in which we carry a single device that is a personal extension of ourselves -- a mobile daemon that is a virtual self. We would use this device to entertain ourselves, read, learn, engage with others, transact commerce. It would function as our multiple devices do today: mp3 player, laptop, PDA, mobile phone -- but it would fulfill all of those needs, while being absolutely portable to the extent we need it to (that is, small enough to slip into a jeans pocket when necessary, but large enough for reading screens of text easily). 

A very clever company called Modu has made this a reality using modular design (the very small modu phone slips into jackets - called modu mates -- to enable the physical interface required for various tasks). This is a glimpse into the future. Based on their representation of their product (they've not yet entered the US market), it appears that the company has designed an extraordinary solution.  Design is a key term here - the modu and its mates are very design-conscious, striving for the ultra-cool stratosphere that is Apple's domain. How the software enables a well-integrated user experience is also critical -- and even more, how well server-based applications enable a completely mobile experience. 

In the meantime, I'm still imagining where this can go - and enjoying the speed of development.